This section describes the setting items on the RADIO SETUP screen of OpenTX / EdgeTX radio.
The screen design differs between the monochrome display model and the color display model, but the items that can be set are almost the same.
The value in "Initial value" column is initial value for Jumper T12 Pro (OpenTX Version 2.3.4 2019-12-27 17:12:20).
Set today's date. This information is used when collecting logs.
Log collection settings are made in "SD Logs" action in
Special Functions/Global Functions
Set the current time. This information is used when collecting logs.
Log collection settings are made in "SD Logs" action in
Special Functions/Global Functions
Batt.range (Battery meter range)
Set the battery voltage range. Set the minimum and maximum battery voltage. This information is used to display the battery level on the main screen. For 2s LiPo battery or two 18650 / 18350 type batteries, 6.6-8.4 is fine.
For color display models, this item is located on [HARDWARE] screen.
Sound menu
Sound menu
Initial value
Specifies how to play sound. [All]: Play all sounds. [NoKey]: Play with all but key operations. [Alarm]: Only play warning sound. [Quiet]: No sound.
Specify master volume. Specifies maximum volume of Beep, Wav, and Bg sound specified below.
Beep Volume
Specifies volume of beep sound.
Beep Length
Specifies beep ringing time.
Beep Pitch
Specifies pitch of beep. Specify by adding frequency to the base value. It can be specified in 15Hz units and can be set in the range of 0 to + 300Hz.
Wav Volume
Specifies volume of Wav sound (talking voice).
Wav sound play settings are made in "Play Track" action in
Special Functions/Global Functions
Here, specify how to play warning sound when aircraft has a Variometer that detects its ascent and descent. Variometers are used in radio-controlled gliders mainly.
Variometer menu
Initial value
Specifies volume of Variometer alert sound.
Pitch zero
Pitch (Hz) of beep that is played when vertical velocity is between Sink Min and Climb Min (Center) defined on
. It can be set in the range of 300Hz to 1100Hz.
Pitch max
Pitch at maximum vertical velocity defined by Climb Max (Range Max) on
. It can be set in the range of 700Hz to 2900Hz. As the rate of increase increases, the beep frequency increases linearly from the value specified in [Pitch zero] to the maximum value specified here. This maximum value must be greater than value specified by [Pitch zero].
Repeat zero
Specifies beep ringing interval in milliseconds. It can be specified in the range of 200 (5 beeps / sec) to 1000 (1 beep / sec).
Haptic menu
Haptic menu
Initial value
Specify how to vibrate radio. [All]: Vibrates when all sounds are played. [NoKey]: Vibrates with everything except key operation. [Alarm]: Only warning sound vibrates. [Quiet]: Does not vibrate.
Specifies length of vibration.
Specifies strength of vibration.
Contrast menu
Contrast menu
Initial value
Specifies screen contrast. Specify in the range of 10 to 30.
Alarms menu
Alarms menu
Initial value
Battery Low
Specifies alarm sound when battery of radio is low. Alarm sounds when voltage drops to the value specified here.
Specifies an alarm when radio is not operated for a long time. If you do not operate for the time (in minutes) specified here, the alarm will sound. If you specify zero, alarm will not sound.
10 minutes
Memory Low
Specifies whether to sound an alarm when memory becomes insufficient when using LUA script.
Sound Off
Specifies whether or not to sound an alarm when all sounds are set to off (Mode is Quiet in the Sound menu) when turning on the radio power.
RSSI Shutdown (Check RSSI on shutdown)
Specifies whether to sound an alarm when receiving RSSI (Receiver Signal Strength Indicator) from the aircraft when turning off the radio power.
Backlight settings
Backlight settings
Initial value
Specify conditions for turning on backlight. [OFF]: Always turns off. [Keys]: Lights when you push any of screen operation keys. [Ctrl]: Lights when sticks or switches is operated. [Both]: Lights when screen operation key, sticks or switches is operated. [ON]: Always lit.
Specify lighting time of backlight in "seconds".
10 seconds
Specify brightness of backlight in the range of 0 to 100.
ON Brightness
Specify brightness in the range of 0 to 100 when the backlight is on.
OFF Brightness
Specify brightness in the range of 0 to 100 when the backlight is off.
Specifies whether to turn on backlight when an alarm occurs.
Power saving setting
If you set radio backlight to a darker setting than usual, you can prevent power consumption.
To do so, set the "Mode" field to "Both", the "Duration" field to "10s", the "ON brightness" field to about 10%, and the "OFF brightness" field to about 1%.
Various time settings
Various time settings
Initial value
Splash Screen
Specify time to display startup screen (OpenTX/EdgeTX logo screen in Initial value) in "seconds".
4 seconds
Pwr On delay
Specifies long press time of power button required to turn on power of radio. It can be specified in 0 to 3 seconds. If you specify 0 seconds, it will start instantly when you push power button.
2 seconds
Pwr Off delay
Specifies long press time of power button required to turn off power of radio. It can be specified in 0 to 3 seconds. If you specify 0 seconds, it will stop instantly when you push power button.
2 seconds
GPS settings
GPS settings
Initial value
Time zone
For radios equipped with GPS receivers, specify time zone required to use GPS by difference (integer from -12 to 12) from UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).
Adjust RTC
For radios equipped with GPS receivers, specify whether to correct clock of radio with information received from GPS satellites.
GPS Coords
For radios equipped with GPS receivers, specify GPS coordinate display format. [DMS]: Displayed in Degree Minutes Second. [NMEA]: Displayed in minutes by degrees and decimal points (NMEA: National Marine Electronics Association format)
Various environment settings
Various environment settings
Initial value
Owner ID
Custom registration ID required when using FrSky ACCESS ISRM(internal RF) modules.
Country code
Select region where you want to use the radio from US (USA), JP (Japan), and EU (Europe). This information is used to make built-in transmitter module comply with local radio regulations.
Voice language
Select language of audio to play with alarms, etc. Specify which folder to use under "SOUNDS" folder on microSD card.
Select unit used for telemetry display from Metric or Imperial.
Play delay (sw. mid pos)
Specifies time, in milliseconds, before playing audio assigned to center of three-position switch. If this is too short, the audio in center position will also be played when three position switch is switched from end to end.
USB Mode
Specify the behavior when the radio is turned on and connected to a computer with a USB cable.
[Joystick]: Operates as a "USB joystick (HID device)".
[Storage]: Acts as a "USB storage device". From PC, you can access microSD card built into radio and EEPROM that stores model information.
[Serial]: Connect with VCP (virtual COM port). Connect with the radio's CPU (STM32 microprocessor) via COM port.
[Ask]: Screen will give you a choice of which mode to work with.
Rotary Encoder Mode
Specifies the direction of scroll wheel rotation. Normally, select [Normal], and select [Inverted] when you want to invert.
Various channel settings
Various channel settings
Initial value
RX channel ord (Default channel order)
When creating a new model, specify order in which Aileron, Elevator, Throttle, and Rudder are assigned to virtual channels 1 to 4 on
INPUTS screen
. You don't have to worry too much about this setting as you can freely change assignment to physical channel on
MIXES screen
. Also, changing this will not affect models that have already been created.
Select stick assignment, from 1 to 4. It seems that mode 2 is often used by drone pilots and RC users in the United States, and mode 1 is often used by RC users in Europe and Japan. Drone products and instructions are based on Mode 2. If you are just starting out, we recommend practicing in mode 2.
When switching here, it is also necessary to change setting or swap the left and right sticks (gimbals).