Create a new MODEL / setting on PC

The same operation is possible with any radio that uses OpenTX / EdgeTX. However, keyswitch assignments / functions differ depending on model, and screen / menu configuration differs depending on installed version of OpenTX / EdgeTX.
Table of contents
RadioMaster Zorro 2.4GHz 16CH Hall Sensor Gimbals
RadioMaster 2022/02 USD89.99
On-board firmware:EdgeTX(OpenTX)
Featuring an ergonomic design, large bright LCD screen in the perfect viewing position, travel adjustable HALL sensor gimbals, a nano size external RF module bayHow to use RadioMaster Zorro
Register a new MODEL input area
You can create models using OpenTX/EdgeTX Companion installed on your PC. First, read model information from radio, then create and edit them on OpenTX/EdgeTX Companion, and write it back to the radio. The model information for up to 60 aircrafts stored in the radio is managed as one ".otx" format binary file on PC. You can manage by creating multiple ".otx" format files on your computer and transferring them to the radio as needed. This way, an infinite number of model information can be used in one radio.
How to install OpenTX Companion
How to install EdgeTX Companion

If you select [File]-[New] from the menu here, you can create a completely new ".otx" format file. If you select [File]-[Open], you can read ".otx" format file stored in your computer.

EdgeTX, which has a faster development pace than OpenTX, may already support even radios that OpenTX does not support. If you are using OpenTX, you may consider migrating to EdgeTX.
If you see this error even though your radio is supported by OpenTX/EdgeTX Companion, the model information file stored in the radio may be corrupted. It may be solved by initializing or replacing microSD card or updating the firmware of the radio.
List of radios currently supported by OpenTX Companion (OpenTX)
How to install EdgeTX on the radio
How to install EdgeTX Companion

You can edit this "Model 01", but let's newly register it in the second area here. Click "02" column and click

Click Cancel if you do not want to use this wizard.
When using the wizard, enter a name of your choice in "Model name", and for Tiny Whoop, select "Multirotor" and click "Next".

Behavior name | Name of control |
Throttle | - |
Roll | Aileron |
Pitch | Elevator |
Yaw | Rudder |

Throttle Cut
The function that cuts throttle is automatically set in the throttle channel of Mixes screen. A setting is added so that throttle will have a weight of -100 when switch up.
Throttle Timer
Sets a timer that counts the amount of time throttle has been in operation (non-zero position). A timer is automatically set so that trigger is THs and initial counter value is 00:00:00.
Flight Timer
Set a timer that counts the total time since throttle first reached a non-zero position. A timer is automatically set so that trigger is THt and initial counter value is 00:00:00.
How to use timer

You can use icons to the right of this icon to perform operations such as "delete", "cut", "copy", "paste", and "insert" the model. You can also copy an already created model and edit a part of it.
On PC: Setup screen settings

First, click "Setup" tab. This is the screen for basic model settings. All you need to enter on this screen is the model name and transmission protocol settings. Enter any model name in "Model" field. You can use alphanumericals, white spaces, and hyphens in the model name.
For details on these all setting items, see MODEL SETUP setting items explanation .

Drone to be bound this time uses "D16" type in Frsky protocol. Select "DIY Multiprotocol Module" in "Multi Radio Protocol" field. Select "FrSky" in "Multi Radio Protocol" field and "D16" in "Sub Type" field. No other changes are required.
This setting screen changes depending on the protocol selected. Depending on the protocol, it may be necessary to set other items as well. Check website or instruction manual of FC board or receiver board.
For information on how to set the communication protocol when using the ExpressLRS (ELRS) protocol, see How to set up ExpressLRS transmitter .

Depending on communication protocol selected, "Failsafe mode" field on this screen allows you to specify how the drone behaves when communication between radio and drone is lost. See Failsafe settings for details.
Failsafe settings
On PC: Input screen settings

First four channels are already assigned Aileron, Elevator, Throttle, Rudder in that order. This allocation order is determined by specifying "Default Channel Order" field on [Settings]-[Settings] menu screen. Since it is a virtual channel, it can be assigned in any order. If this order does not match the aircraft you are binding to, change it on next Mixes screen.

In the "Source" field, select SG (Switch G) that will be the input device. You can give this virtual channel a name in "Input name" field. Since Arm is assigned to SG this time, I named it "Arm". You can leave the name blank.
Similarly, assign SA, SD, SH to virtual channels 6-8. Since it is a virtual channel, it can be assigned in any order.
For details on these all setting items, see MODEL INPUTS setting items explanation .
If you simply assign one switch to one channel, you can register it directly in "Source" field of next Mixes screen without registering the switch on this Input screen.

On PC: Mixes screen settings

First four channels are already assigned Aileron, Elevator, Throttle, Rudder in that order.

In "Source" field, select virtual channel [I5]. This time, "I5" is named "Arm", so select [I5:Arm].
When we defined virtual channels, we specified the same number as the physical channel, so simply set [I5:Arm] for CH5, [I6:Mod] for CH6, [I7:Flp] for CH7.
For details on these all setting items, see MODEL MIXES setting items explanation .

On PC: Write back model information to radio

If you click "Write to TX" here, the model information will be written to radio.
Create MODEL, Bind with drone, Test flight
Precautions when removing radio from computer