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もし日本のAmazon(JP)で見つからない、未発売のときは、 アメリカのAmazon(US)、または イギリスのAmazon(UK)、 からご購入ください。
ご注意:海外製のDVDを見るには、「リージョンフリー」機能を搭載したDVDプレイヤーが必要です。 楽天市場で買う「楽天市場」 などで取り扱っています。「リージョンフリー」で検索してみてください。 (Blu-rayには、この制約はありません)
  • 8 Days: To the Moon and Back

    PBS Distribution 2019-09-24 USD16.59

    Join the historic 1969 journey of Apollo 11. Seamlessly blending mission audio featuring conversations between Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins with news footage, NASA archive, and stunning CGI, 8 Days: To the Moon and Back stars Rufus Wright (EastEnders), Jack Tarlton (The Imitation Game), and Patrick Kennedy (Mrs. Wilson) in a stunning recreation of the first moon landing.

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Amazon.comで買う(US)

  • Nova: Back To The Moon [DVD]

    PBS (Direct) 2019-07-30 1499円

    On the 50th anniversary of the historic Apollo 11 Moon landing, NOVA looks ahead to the dawn of a new age in lunar exploration. Join the next generation of engineers that aim to take us to the Moon and discover how our legacy of lunar exploration won't be confined to the history books for long.

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Amazon.comで買う(US)

  • The Apollo Chronicles

    2019-07-16 USD19.95

    July 20th, 1969 marks one of the greatest achievements in human history - man's first step on the Moon. Watched on live television by more than 1 billion people around the globe, Apollo 11 mesmerized the world, leaving a lasting impression on those who witnessed it. But behind this seminal event is a monumental story filled with incredible drama, danger, ingenuity, and emotion.

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Amazon.comで買う(US)

  • Apollo: Missions To The Moon (aka 50th Aniv Special And Moonshot) [DVD]

    National Geographic 2019-07-09 2032円

    In the late 1960s, the United States space program neared its goal of landing a man on the Moon, but it was a journey that began years before. This is the story of Project Apollo – 12 years, 12 manned-missions, one impossible goal. With rare archival footage and audio, this remarkable documentary sheds new light on an incredible time in human history.

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Amazon.comで買う(US)

  • NASA: A Journey Through Space

    Mill Creek Ent 2019-07-09 1,369円

    On May 25, 1961, President John F. Kennedy made a historic speech where he pledged to send astronauts to the moon before the end of the decade. Eight years later, on July 20, 1969, Apollo commander Neil Armstrong stepped out of the lunar module and made a giant leap for mankind - a step that symbolized one of the most remarkable feats in human history.

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Amazon.comで買う(US)

  • Apollo 11 Moon Landing: 50th Anniversary Collection [2019] [DVD]

    BBC July 22, 2019 £18.99

    Over 8 hours of content including the Apollo 11 moon walk, an interview with Neil Armstrong and the brand new documentary, 8 Days: To The Moon and Back.This 50th anniversary collection contains the most important examples of the BBC's comprehensive coverage of the Apollo missions to the Moon. The cultural impact is featured in James Cameron's sobering film 'Nobody Ever Asks Why'.

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Amazon.comで買う(US)

  • From the Earth to the Moon [Blu-ray]

    HBO July 16, 2019 USD39.99

    まず、アポロといえばこの作品を紹介しなければいけません。 NASAアポロ計画の裏で宇宙飛行士やスタッフが繰り広げた、感動のドラマを映像化。 スプートニクショックからアポロ17号と将来の月開発の夢まで、 NASAの全面協力により、現存する本物の機材を使用し、当時のスタッフや飛行士をオブザーバに迎え、 さらに最新のCGや特撮も駆使してアポロ計画の全貌をリアルに再現している。 全ては実話を元にしたドキュメンタリータッチの展開だが、そこには飛行士やその家族、 そして管制官たちの苦悩と恐怖、そして感動のドラマが織り込まれている。 CGや特撮で再現される宇宙船の美しさ。そして所々に現れるアポロ専門用語もリアル。 まさに宇宙好きのトム・ハンクスならではのこだわりの作り込み。 アポロ計画や宇宙開発に興味を持った方には是非とも見てもらいたい名作。

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Amazon.comで買う(US)


    From the Earth to the Moon (DC/BD)
    From the Earth to the Moon (DC/BD)
    From the Earth to the Moon
    From the Earth to the Moon

  • One Small Step For Man… [2019] [DVD]

    BBC July 15, 2019 £7.99

    Released for the 50th Anniversary of the historic Apollo 11 mission, with over 2 hours of the original BBC TV footage.Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin touched down on the lunar surface at 20:17 GMT on July 20th 1969. We join them just over six hours later, as they prepare to set foot on the surface of the moon.

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Amazon.comで買う(US)

  • Armstrong [Blu-ray]

    Spirit Entertainment July 15, 2019 £12.99

    Directed by David Fairhead (SPITFIRE) ARMSTRONG is the definitive life story of Neil Armstrong: from his childhood in rural Ohio, through his near death experiences in aerial combat in the Korean War, pushing the limits as an experimental test pilot through to those historic first steps on the Moon – and the unwanted celebrity status that ensued. In his own words David said “Telling this story is a documentary filmmaker’s dream.

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Amazon.comで買う(US)

  • Apollo 11 [Blu-ray]

    Universal Studios 2019-05-14 2,500円

    Todd Douglas Miller監督ドキュメンタリー。 新たに発見された65mmの大判映像と、11,000時間を超える、カタログに登録されていないオーディオ録音をもとに作成された、アポロ11号のミッションの上映時間93分のドキュメンタリーです。 全てが「本物」であることの迫力。こんな映像が残っていたという感動。SF映画のようなストーリー性。おすすめの1本です。

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Amazon.comで買う(US)

  • American Experience: Chasing the Moon

    PBS Distribution 2019-07-09 USD39.99円

    Chasing the Moon reimagines the race to the moon for a new generation, upending much of the mythology surrounding the effort. The series recasts the Space Age as scientific innovation, political calculation, media spectacle, visionary impulses and personal drama. Utilizing overlooked and lost archival material, the film features a cast of characters who played key roles in these historic events.

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Amazon.comで買う(US)

  • First to the Moon [Blu-ray]

    Gravitas Ventures 2019-06-04 4911円

    In 1968, NASA sent three men farther and faster than anyone had gone before. This is the story of how Astronauts Frank Borman, Jim Lovell, and Bill Anders changed history on the flight of Apollo 8.

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Amazon.comで買う(US)

  • NOVA: Rise Of The Rockets [DVD]

    PBS (Direct) 2019-05-07 3000円

    Rockets are becoming cheaper and more powerful than before thanks to new technologies. As companies make space more accessible and NASA returns to crewed spaceflight, a new era of space exploration seems to be on the horizon. But will this seeming rocket Renaissance become just more than hype? NOVA explores the latest rocket technologies and the growing role private citizens may have in space.

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Amazon.comで買う(US)

  • NOVA: Apollo's Daring Mission [DVD]

    PBS (Direct) 2019-03-19 1836円

    Apollo astronauts and engineers tell the inside story of how the first mission to the moon, Apollo 8, pioneered groundbreaking technologies that would pave the way to land a man on the moon and win the space race.

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Amazon.comで買う(US)

  • First Man

    Universal Pictures Home Entertainment 2019/01/22 USD24.99

    Oscar-winning director Damien Chazelle and star Ryan Gosling reteam for the riveting story behind the first manned mission to the moon, focusing on Neil Armstrong and the decade leading to the historic Apollo 11 flight. A visceral and intimate account told from Armstrong's perspective, based on the book by James R. Hansen, the film explores the triumphs and the cost—on Armstrong, his family, his colleagues and the nation itself—of one of the most dangerous missions in history.

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Buy at Amazon.com(US)

  • A Beautiful Planet - 4K Ultra HD - IMAX Enhanced [Blu-ray]

    218-12-11 2,273円

    Narrated by Academy Award winner Jennifer Lawrence, A Beautiful Planet is a breathtaking portrait of Earth from space, providing a unique perspective and increased understanding of our planet and galaxy as never seen before. Made in cooperation with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the film features stunning footage of our magnificent blue planet - and the effects humanity has had on it over time - captured by the astronauts aboard the International Space Station (ISS). From space, Earth blazes at night with the electric intensity of human expansion - a direct visualization of our changing world. But it is within our power to protect the planet. As we continue to explore and gain knowledge of our galaxy, we also develop a deeper connection to the place we all call home.

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Amazon.comで買う(US)

  • Smithsonian: The Real Story - Apollo 13 [DVD]

    2018-03-13 973円

    No one would believe the story if it hadn't actually happened. The 1970 rescue of Apollo 13 captivated the nation and the film adaptation went on to win two Oscars. But how close to the truth was the film? Was "Houston, we have a problem"; or "Failure is not an option"; ever actually said? Did hostilities between the astronauts really exist?

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Amazon.comで買う(US)

  • Moonwalk One - the director's cut [Blu-ray]

    The Attic Room 2018-01-01 USD34.99

    Kamecke's film could be placed in a time capsule and removed some time in the distant future as an exact record of our feelings at the time." So said Kathleen Carroll of the New York Daily News in 1972. NASA commissioned director Theo Kamecke to make the documentary only six weeks before Apollo 11 s flight to the Moon in July 1969. But instead of a simple documentary film, what transpired was a philosophical and poetic record of Man s first attempt to walk on another world.

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Amazon.comで買う(US)


    AL!VE AG 2017-11-01 7.54円


    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Amazon.comで買う(US)

  • The Farthest - Voyager in Space Blu-ray

    PBS Distribution 2017-10-03 1841円

    Launched in 1977, NASA's epic Voyager missions revolutionized our understanding of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and their spectacular moons and rings. In 2012, Voyager 1 left our solar system and ushered humanity into the interstellar age. BONUS FILM: Second Genesis explores the scientific quest to find life or evidence of it beyond Earth.

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Amazon.comで買う(US)

  • Mission Control

    Mission Control

    Gravitas Ventures 2017/07/27 USD24.99

    At the heart of the Apollo space program and a remarkable decade of achievement was the team who worked in Mission Control.They were born against a backdrop of economic turmoil and global conflict. Some came from a rural lifestyle little changed from the 19th century. Others grew up in a gritty, blue-collar America of mines and smoke stacks. They ranged from kids straight out of college to those toughened by military service. But from such ordinary beginnings, an extraordinary team was born. They were setting out on what JFK called: “The most hazardous, dangerous, and greatest adventure upon which mankind has ever embarked” and through their testimony ? and the supporting voices of Apollo astronauts and modern NASA flight directors ? the film takes us from the faltering start of the program through the Mercury and Gemini missions, the tragedy of the Apollo 1 fire to the glories of the Moon landings.

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Buy at Amazon.com(US)

  • Nasa: Journey Through Space Documentary Series [DVD]

    Mill Creek Entertainment 2016-10-04 972円

    On May 25, 1961, President John F. Kennedy made a historic speech where he pledged to send astronauts to the moon before the end of the decade. Eight years later, on July 20, 1969, Apollo commander Neil Armstrong stepped out of the lunar module and made a giant leap for mankind - a step that symbolized one of the most remarkable feats in human history.

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Amazon.comで買う(US)

  • Hidden Figures

    Hidden Figures

    20th Century Fox 2017/04/11 3,300円

    The phenomenal true story of the black female mathematicians at NASA whose calculations helped fuel some of America’s greatest achievements in space. Soon to be a major motion picture starring Taraji P. Henson, Octavia Spencer, Janelle Monae, Kirsten Dunst, and Kevin Costner.

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Buy at Amazon.com(US)

  • Last Man on the Moon

    Last Man on the Moon

    Filmrise 2016/04/26 3,670円

    When Apollo astronaut Gene Cernan stepped on the moon in December 1972 he left his footprints and his daughter’s initials in the lunar dust. Only now, over forty years later, is he ready to share his epic but deeply personal story of fulfillment, love and loss. Cernan’s burning ambition carried him from a quiet Chicago suburb to the spectacular and hazardous environment of space, and ultimately, to the moon. Five years in the making, The Last Man on the Moon unveils a wealth of rare archive, and takes Cernan back to the launch pads of Cape Kennedy, to Arlington National Cemetery and to his Texas ranch, where he finds respite from a past that refuses to let him go. Sharing home movies, scrapbooks and intimate moments with his closest friends and family, he brings his spine-tingling experiences to the big screen more vividly than any moonwalker has done before.

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Buy at Amazon.com(US)

  • Nova: First Man on the Moon

    Nova: First Man on the Moon

    PBS 2014/12/09 $16.79

    NOVA presents an intimate portrait of Neil Armstrong through interviews with his family and friends, many of whom have never spoken publicly before. Seen through the eyes of those who were close to him, the film explores the man behind the myth, and also reveals his unsung achievements as a Navy combat veteran and pioneer of high speed flight.

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Buy at Amazon.com(US)

  • Moonwalk One: The Flight of Apollo 11 [DVD]

    Digicomtv 2014-10-06 959円

    Moonwalk One - Apollo 11 landed the first humans on the Moon, Americans Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, on July 20, 1969, and the third member of the mission, Michael Collins, piloted the command spacecraft alone in lunar orbit until Armstrong and Aldrin returned to it just under a day later for the trip back to Earth.

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Amazon.comで買う(US)

  • Earthrise: The First Lunar Voyage

    Earthrise: The First Lunar Voyage

    Big Ocean Entertainment 2014/02/20 $21.99

    This film is an extended Director's Cut of "RACE TO THE MOON," originally broadcast as part of the PBS American Experience series in 2005, and re-released on public television as "EARTHRISE" for the 45th anniversary of the Apollo 8 mission in 2013. Reviewing its initial release, the Oregonian called it, "A skillful documentary... every bit as tense as Hanks and Howard's APOLLO 13."

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Buy at Amazon.com(US)

  • Gagarin: First in Space

    2013 USD17.96

    GAGARIN: FIRST IN SPACE, is a feature film featuring amazing SFX, that celebrates the bravery and achievements of Yuri Gagarin - the first man in space. On April 12, 1961, Soviet cosmonaut Gagarin blasted off in a Vostok rocket and he orbited Earth for 108 minutes. He was the cosmonaut who was selected from over three thousand fighter pilots throughout the Soviet Union. Once chosen Gagarin is fast tracked to train for the unknown and the trip of a life time! ...Gagarin: First in Space ( Gagarin. Pervyy v kosmose )

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Amazon.comで買う(US)

  • Space Flight Collection

    Space Flight Collection

    Discovery 2012/09/25 $8.37

    From the first steps on the moon to futuristic fiction (or is it?), this collection will put you at the control panel of some of the most extraordinary missions in space exploration. You ll travel to obscure destinations such as Saturn s moon, Titan, as well as view the all-familiar walk on the moon in a whole new light. This fascinating collection of the triumphs and failures of our journeys throughout the universe will prove most certainly that the sky is not the limit.

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Buy at Amazon.com(US)

  • IMAX: Space Station 3D

    IMAX 2011-11-02 4,980円

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Amazon.comで買う(US)

  • The Wonder of It All [Blu-ray]

    The Wonder of It All

    Indican 2010/09/14 $44.98

    In 1961 President John F. Kennedy started the United States on a path of discovery and exploration that captures the best of mankind s spirit. Astronauts Buzz Aldrin, Alan Bean, Eugene Cernan, Charlie Duke, Edgar Mitchell, Harrison Schmitt and John Young reflect on their lives with rarely seen private family photos, and NASA footage including their childhood, their training, the tragedies, the camaraderie and the extraordinary accomplishment of setting foot on another world! Loaded with extras including exclusive footage of a former President.

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Buy at Amazon.com(US)

  • In the Shadow of the Moon [Blu-ray]

    In the Shadow of the Moon

    IMAGE ENTERTAINMENT 2010/08/10 $37.50

    IN THE SHADOW OF THE MOON is an intimate epic, which vividly communicates the daring and the danger, the pride and the passion, of this extraordinary era in American history. Between 1968 and 1972, the world watched in awe each time an American spacecraft voyaged to the Moon. Only 12 American men walked upon its surface and they remain the only human beings to have stood on another world. Now for the first time, and very possibly the last, IN THE SHADOW OF THE MOON combines archival material from the original NASA film footage, much of it never before seen, with interviews with the surviving astronauts who emerge as eloquent, witty, emotional and very human.

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Buy at Amazon.com(US)

  • Footprints on the Moon Apollo 11 1969

    Footprints on the Moon Apollo 11 1969

    VCI Entertainment 2010/03/30 $8.11

    The saga of Neil Armstrong, Col. Edwin Buzz Aldrin and col. Michael Collins and the events leading up to the historic week in July, 1969, is recreated in FOOTPRINTS ON THE MOON. This color film traces the space odyssey of Astronauts Armstrong, Aldrin and Collins from the tense preparation during the weeks before blastoff through the magnificent descent into the black shadow on the moon s surface, to final splashdown in the Pacific Ocean. Footprints on the Moon contains footage filmed by the astronauts themselves as well as the vast film crew assembled at Cape Kennedy and the Houston Space Center. Directed by William Gibson, the film also includes television transmissions from space, many of which have never been seen by the general public.

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  • Moonshot [Blu-ray]


    A&E HOME VIDEO 2009/11/17 $7.14

    Relive the breathtaking story of Apollo 11 and the first manned landing on the Moon as HISTORYTM takes viewers aboard the rocket and on its eight-day round trip to outer space for a close-up look at one of the most stunning and courageous personal and technological achievements of man. Interlaced with original NASA footage transferred to high definition, Moonshot covers the crew s earliest days at NASA to the moment when Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin step on the Moon. From home life and families, to the argument over who would be the first to walk on the lunar surface, this is the remarkable story of one of the most chronicled events in history.

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  • From the Earth to the Moon(DVD/VIDEO)

    From the Earth to the Moon

    HBO Studios 2009/11/03 $21.83

    Originally broadcast in April and May of 1998, the epic miniseries From the Earth to the Moon was HBO's most expensive production to date, with a budget of $68 million. Hosted by executive producer Tom Hanks, the miniseries tackles the daunting challenge of chronicling the entire history of NASA's Apollo space program from 1961 to 1972. For the most part, it's a rousing success. Some passages are flatly chronological, awkwardly wedging an abundance of factual detail into a routine dramatic structure. But each episode is devoted to a crucial aspect of the Apollo program. The cumulative effect is a deep and thorough appreciation of NASA's monumental achievement. With the help of a superlative cast, consistent writing, and a stable of talented directors, Hanks has shared his infectious enthusiasm for space exploration and the inspiring power of conquering the final frontier.

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Buy at Amazon.com(US)

  • Apollo 11 [DVD]

    Acorn Media 1904円

    Relive the excitement and awe of the first moon landing Unearthing rare archival footage from the BBC, this two-hour documentary compiles the sights, sounds, and electrifying drama of humanity’s first footsteps on the moon.

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Amazon.comで買う(US)

  • Nasa: Complete Story [DVD]

    Total Content 2008-07-29 3474円

    40Th Anniversary Collection. On July 20, 1969 the lunar module ""Eagle"" separated from the Apollo 11 command module and began its slow descent toward the surface of the moon.

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Amazon.comで買う(US)

  • Wonder of It All [DVD]

    Indican 2009-07-21 2178円

    One step for mankind that should never be forgotten. In 1961 President John F. Kennedy started the United States on a path of discovery and exploration that captures the best of mankind s spirit. Astronauts Buzz Aldrin, Alan Bean, Eugene Cernan, Charlie Duke, Edgar Mitchell, Harrison Schmitt and John Young reflect on their lives with rarely seen private family photos, and NASA footage including their childhood, their training, the tragedies, the camaraderie and the extraordinary accomplishment of setting foot on another world!

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Amazon.comで買う(US)

  • Moon Machines

    Moon Machines

    Discovery Channel 2009/07/07 $19.99

    米サイエンスチャンネルで2008年に放映されたドキュメンタリー番組シリーズのDVD化です。 収録されているのは「THE SATURN V ROCKET」、「THE COMMAND MODULE」、「THE NAVIGATION COMPUTER」、「THE LUNER MODULE」、「THE SPACE SUIT」、「THE LUNAR ROVER」の6本。 いずれも45分の番組で、合計約4時間半に及びます。 それぞれ当時の開発技術者、関係者のインタビューと開発中の映像を交え、テクノロジーの話題もふんだんにハードウェアの開発を紹介してくれます。 英語の字幕表示もできるので、ヒアリングの練習にもなります。

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Buy at Amazon.com(US)

  • Space Station / Mission to Mir Imax

    Imax 2008-10-14 3,450円

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Amazon.comで買う(US)

  • Apollo 8: Christmas at the Moon [DVD]

    Global Science Productions 2008-03-01 1988円

    It was Christmas time, 1968, when humankind first broke their bonds to the Earth. Frank Borman and his crew guided their Apollo spacecraft across nearly a quarter-million miles of black void into orbit around the Moon, and back once more to a perfect pinpoint landing back on the Earth.

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Amazon.comで買う(US)

  • Journey to the Moon: The 40th Anniversary of Apollo 11

    Mission to Mir

    Mill Creek Entertainment 2008/02/19 $19.98

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Buy at Amazon.com(US)

  • Magnificent Desolation: Walking on the Moon

    Mission to Mir

    Hbo Home Video 2007/11/06 $19.98

    トム・ハンクスプロデュース。IMAXシアター向けに制作された3D立体CGムービーがベースになっています。 リアルなCGで、自分が月面に降り立ったかのような疑似体験を得ることができます。

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  • The Mighty Saturns

    Mission to Mir

    Spacecraft Films 2004/04/13 6,051円

    NASAミッションのムービーを続々とDVD化している Spacecraft Films の作品です。 DVD 3枚セットで、合計4時間になります。 43分のドキュメンタリー"The Saturn V"(5.1サラウンド&ステレオ)では、 サターンロケット開発の歴史、とりわけ開発に困難を極めたS-IIの話、 そして後期に問題となったPOGO運動の解決の苦労まで、サターンV開発の全てが 関係者のインタビューも交えて語られている。 そのほかにNational ArchivesおよびMSFC所蔵のマスターテープからスキャンしたビデオ画像がぎっしりと詰まっている。 その内容は各パーツの組み立てから、噴射テストの様子(S-IVB-503の爆発も含む)、各アポロミッションの打ち上げと、その準備の様子、 各ステージの切り離しの映像など、多岐にわたっている。 しかもほとんどは他では見られない物である。いずれも画質は30年以上も前の物にしては良好。 これらの映像は開発時の記録がほとんどであるため、音声の無いものも多い。

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Buy at Amazon.com(US)

    Product variety

    The Saturn V
    The Saturn V
    Saturn I & IB
    Saturn I & IB

  • Project Mercury: A New Frontier(DVD)

    Saturn I & IB

    Spacecraft Films $84.99

    NASAミッションのムービーを続々とDVD化している Spacecraft Films の作品です。DVD 6枚セットです。

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Buy at Amazon.com(US)

  • Project Gemini - A Bold Leap Forward(DVD)

    Saturn I & IB

    Spacecraft Films $49.99

    NASAミッションのムービーを続々とDVD化している Spacecraft Films の作品です。DVD 3枚セットです。

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Buy at Amazon.com(US)

  • Apollo 7: Shakedown Cruise

    Saturn I & IB

    Spacecraft Films / Twentieth Century Fox Home Video 2005/03/01 4,237円

    NASAミッションのムービーを続々とDVD化している Spacecraft Films の作品です。DVD 2枚セットです。 National ArchivesおよびMSFC所蔵のマスターテープからスキャンしたビデオ画像がぎっしりと詰まっている。 いずれも画質は30年以上も前の物にしては良好。 これらの映像は開発時の記録がほとんどであるため、音声の無いものも多い。

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Buy at Amazon.com(US)

  • Apollo 8 - Leaving the Cradle

    Saturn I & IB

    Spacecraft Films / Twentieth Century Fox Home Video 2003/08/19 4,236円

    NASAミッションのムービーを続々とDVD化している Spacecraft Films の作品です。DVD 3枚セットです。 National ArchivesおよびMSFC所蔵のマスターテープからスキャンしたビデオ画像がぎっしりと詰まっている。 いずれも画質は30年以上も前の物にしては良好。 これらの映像は開発時の記録がほとんどであるため、音声の無いものも多い。

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Buy at Amazon.com(US)

  • Apollo 9: Spider Takes Flight

    Saturn I & IB

    Spacecraft Films / Twentieth Century Fox Home Video 2005/03/01 4,237円

    NASAミッションのムービーを続々とDVD化している Spacecraft Films の作品です。DVD 2枚セットです。 National ArchivesおよびMSFC所蔵のマスターテープからスキャンしたビデオ画像がぎっしりと詰まっている。 いずれも画質は30年以上も前の物にしては良好。 これらの映像は開発時の記録がほとんどであるため、音声の無いものも多い。

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Buy at Amazon.com(US)

  • Apollo 10: The Dress Rehearsal

    Saturn I & IB

    Spacecraft Films / Twentieth Century Fox Home Video 2005/03/01 4,237円

    NASAミッションのムービーを続々とDVD化している Spacecraft Films の作品です。DVD 2枚セットです。 National ArchivesおよびMSFC所蔵のマスターテープからスキャンしたビデオ画像がぎっしりと詰まっている。 いずれも画質は30年以上も前の物にしては良好。 これらの映像は開発時の記録がほとんどであるため、音声の無いものも多い。

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Buy at Amazon.com(US)

  • Apollo 11 - Men on the Moon

    Saturn I & IB

    Spacecraft Films / Twentieth Century Fox Home Video August 19, 2003 4,236円

    NASAミッションのムービーを続々とDVD化している Spacecraft Films の作品です。 DVD 3枚セットで、合計10時間を越えます。 National ArchivesおよびMSFC所蔵のマスターテープからスキャンしたビデオ画像がぎっしりと詰まっている。 いずれも画質は30年以上も前の物にしては良好。 これらの映像は開発時の記録がほとんどであるため、音声の無いものも多い。

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Buy at Amazon.com(US)

  • Apollo 12: Ocean of Storms

    Saturn I & IB

    Spacecraft Films / Twentieth Century Fox Home Video 2005/05/31 5,447円

    NASAミッションのムービーを続々とDVD化している Spacecraft Films の作品です。DVD 3枚セットで、合計12時間を越えます。 National ArchivesおよびMSFC所蔵のマスターテープからスキャンしたビデオ画像がぎっしりと詰まっている。 いずれも画質は30年以上も前の物にしては良好。 これらの映像は開発時の記録がほとんどであるため、音声の無いものも多い。

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Buy at Amazon.com(US)

  • Apollo 13: The Real Story

    Saturn I & IB

    Spacecraft Films / Twentieth Century Fox Home Video 2005/03/01 5,447円

    NASAミッションのムービーを続々とDVD化している Spacecraft Films の作品です。DVD 3枚セットで、合計12時間を越えます。 National ArchivesおよびMSFC所蔵のマスターテープからスキャンしたビデオ画像がぎっしりと詰まっている。 いずれも画質は30年以上も前の物にしては良好。 これらの映像は開発時の記録がほとんどであるため、音声の無いものも多い。

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Buy at Amazon.com(US)

  • Apollo 14: Journey To Fra Mauro

    Saturn I & IB

    Spacecraft Films / Twentieth Century Fox Home Video March 31, 2002 4,237円

    NASAミッションのムービーを続々とDVD化している Spacecraft Films の作品です。DVD 2枚セットで、合計5時間になります。 National ArchivesおよびMSFC所蔵のマスターテープからスキャンしたビデオ画像がぎっしりと詰まっている。 いずれも画質は30年以上も前の物にしては良好。 これらの映像は開発時の記録がほとんどであるため、音声の無いものも多い。

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Buy at Amazon.com(US)

  • Apollo 14: Complete Downlink Edition(DVD)

    Saturn I & IB

    Spacecraft Films / Twentieth Century Fox Home Video $79.99

    NASAミッションのムービーを続々とDVD化している Spacecraft Films の作品です。DVD 5枚セットで、合計12時間を越えます。 National ArchivesおよびMSFC所蔵のマスターテープからスキャンしたビデオ画像がぎっしりと詰まっている。 いずれも画質は30年以上も前の物にしては良好。 これらの映像は開発時の記録がほとんどであるため、音声の無いものも多い。

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Buy at Amazon.com(US)

  • Apollo 15: The Great Explorations Begin(DVD)

    Saturn I & IB

    Spacecraft Films / Twentieth Century Fox Home Video $34.99

    NASAミッションのムービーを続々とDVD化している Spacecraft Films の作品です。DVD 2枚セットで、合計5時間になります。 National ArchivesおよびMSFC所蔵のマスターテープからスキャンしたビデオ画像がぎっしりと詰まっている。 いずれも画質は30年以上も前の物にしては良好。 これらの映像は開発時の記録がほとんどであるため、音声の無いものも多い。

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Buy at Amazon.com(US)

  • Apollo 15 - Man Must Explore

    Saturn I & IB

    Spacecraft Films / Twentieth Century Fox Home Video 2004/04/13 10,895円

    NASAミッションのムービーを続々とDVD化している Spacecraft Films の作品です。DVD 6枚セットで、合計21時間になります。 National ArchivesおよびMSFC所蔵のマスターテープからスキャンしたビデオ画像がぎっしりと詰まっている。 いずれも画質は30年以上も前の物にしては良好。 これらの映像は開発時の記録がほとんどであるため、音声の無いものも多い。

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Buy at Amazon.com(US)

  • Apollo 15: Complete Downlink Edition(DVD)

    Saturn I & IB

    Spacecraft Films / Twentieth Century Fox Home Video $94.99

    NASAミッションのムービーを続々とDVD化している Spacecraft Films の作品です。DVD 6枚セットで、合計14時間を越えます。 National ArchivesおよびMSFC所蔵のマスターテープからスキャンしたビデオ画像がぎっしりと詰まっている。 いずれも画質は30年以上も前の物にしては良好。 これらの映像は開発時の記録がほとんどであるため、音声の無いものも多い。

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Buy at Amazon.com(US)

  • Apollo 16: Journey To Descartes

    Saturn I & IB

    Spacecraft Films / Twentieth Century Fox Home Video 2005/05/31 10,290円

    NASAミッションのムービーを続々とDVD化している Spacecraft Films の作品です。DVD 6枚セットで、合計12時間を越えます。 National ArchivesおよびMSFC所蔵のマスターテープからスキャンしたビデオ画像がぎっしりと詰まっている。 いずれも画質は30年以上も前の物にしては良好。 これらの映像は開発時の記録がほとんどであるため、音声の無いものも多い。

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Buy at Amazon.com(US)

  • Apollo 16: Complete Downlink Edition(DVD)

    Saturn I & IB

    Spacecraft Films / Twentieth Century Fox Home Video $94.99

    NASAミッションのムービーを続々とDVD化している Spacecraft Films の作品です。DVD 6枚セットで、合計12時間を越えます。 National ArchivesおよびMSFC所蔵のマスターテープからスキャンしたビデオ画像がぎっしりと詰まっている。 いずれも画質は30年以上も前の物にしては良好。 これらの映像は開発時の記録がほとんどであるため、音声の無いものも多い。

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Buy at Amazon.com(US)

  • Apollo 17: End of the Beginning

    Saturn I & IB

    Spacecraft Films / Twentieth Century Fox Home Video 2005/03/01 10,290円

    NASAミッションのムービーを続々とDVD化している Spacecraft Films の作品です。DVD 6枚セットで、合計12時間を越えます。 National ArchivesおよびMSFC所蔵のマスターテープからスキャンしたビデオ画像がぎっしりと詰まっている。 いずれも画質は30年以上も前の物にしては良好。 これらの映像は開発時の記録がほとんどであるため、音声の無いものも多い。

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Buy at Amazon.com(US)

  • Liftoff! Success and Failure on the Launch Pad(DVD)

    Saturn I & IB

    Spacecraft Films $34.99

    NASAミッションのムービーを続々とDVD化している Spacecraft Films の作品です。DVD 2枚セットで、合計6時間を越えます。

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Buy at Amazon.com(US)

  • Wave 1 Megapack (Apollo 11 / Apollo 8 / The Mighty Saturns / Project Gemini)(DVD)

    Saturn I & IB

    Spacecraft Films $152.99

    NASAミッションのムービーを続々とDVD化している Spacecraft Films の作品です。 人気のアポロ/ジェミニ4本組のお得なセットです。

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Buy at Amazon.com(US)

  • American Experience: Race to the Moon - The Daring Adventure of Apollo 8

    Saturn I & IB

    Pbs 2004/09/07 JPY2,226

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Buy at Amazon.com(US)

  • The Race to the Moon

    Saturn I & IB

    A & E Home Video 2004/01/01 USD29.95

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Buy at Amazon.com(US)

  • Nasa 50 Years

    Saturn I & IB

    Madacy Entertainment 2003/08/26 JPY10582

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Buy at Amazon.com(US)

  • The Red Stuff - The True Story of the Russian Race for Space

    Saturn I & IB

    Kultur 2003/02/02 USD31.49

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Buy at Amazon.com(US)

  • Imax Space Collection (5 Pk)(DVD)

    Saturn I & IB

    Graeme Ferguson / Imax 2001/10/02 JPY11992


    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Buy at Amazon.com(US)

    Product variety

    Hail Columbia
    Hail Columbia
    The Dream Is Alive
    The Dream Is Alive
    Blue Planet
    Blue Planet
    Destiny in Space
    Destiny in Space
    Mission to Mir
    Mission to Mir

  • Nova: To the Moon [DVD]

    2000-08-01 1433円

    The mission seemed impossible, the odds astronomical, but the results were spectacular. NOVA presents the fascinating story behind the Apollo space program, including the historic walk on the moon in 1969, in a two-hour special. Meet unsung heroes, experience the dangers, and discover new Apollo perspectives through rare footage, little-known facts, and interviews with NASA scientists, engineers, geologists, and the astronauts themselves.

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Amazon.comで買う(US)

  • Inside the Space Station

    Mission to Mir

    Artisan Entertainment 2000/08/08 JPY2419

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Buy at Amazon.com(US)

  • For All Mankind

    Mission to Mir

    Al Reinert, Jim Lovell e.t.c.
    2000/02/01 JPY1210

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Buy at Amazon.com(US)

  • NASA - Vol. 2: Challenger, Disaster and Devestation/NASA, The 25th Year(DVD)

    Mission to Mir

    Madacy Entertainment 2000/02/01 JPY1805

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Buy at Amazon.com(US)

  • Inside the Space Shuttle(VIDEO)

    Mission to Mir

    Discovery Channel Video 1999/11/09 JPY1444

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Buy at Amazon.com(US)

  • Apollo 13(VIDEO)

    Mission to Mir

    International Video Corp 1999/03/24 JPY2403

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Buy at Amazon.com(US)

  • Tribute to Apollo(VIDEO)

    Mission to Mir

    International Video Corp 1999/03/24 JPY2403

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Buy at Amazon.com(US)

  • The Apollo Legacy(VIDEO)

    Mission to Mir

    Turner Home Video

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Buy at Amazon.com(US)

  • Moon Shot: The Inside Story of the Apollo Project(VIDEO)

    Mission to Mir

    Kirk Wolfinger / Turner Home Video 1998/03/20 JPY3392

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Buy at Amazon.com(US)

  • Nasa: 25 Years of Glory 5DVDs set(DVD)

    Mission to Mir

    Madacy Entertainment 1997/12/09 JPY1203

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Buy at Amazon.com(US)

  • NASA - 25 Years of Glory Vol. 2(DVD)

    Mission to Mir

    Madacy Entertainment 1997/12/09 JPY1203

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Buy at Amazon.com(US)

  • NASA - 25 Years of Glory Vol. 4(DVD)

    Mission to Mir

    Madacy Entertainment 1997/12/09 JPY1203

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Buy at Amazon.com(US)

  • Apollo-Missions to the Moon(VIDEO)

    Mission to Mir

    Marathon Music & Video 1995/11/21 JPY1210

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Buy at Amazon.com(US)

  • The Tribute: Mercury, Gemini, Apollo & Skylab(VIDEO)

    Mission to Mir

    Warner Studios 1995/08/01 JPY2419

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Buy at Amazon.com(US)

  • NASA: Space Shuttle - Training, Facilities, Space Station(VIDEO)

    Mission to Mir

    Warner Studios 1995/06/14 JPY1816

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Buy at Amazon.com(US)

  • Space Flight:Discovering the Final Frontier(VIDEO)

    Mission to Mir

    Warner Studios 1995/06/14 JPY9274

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Buy at Amazon.com(US)

  • Apollo 13-Doomed Mission(VIDEO)

    Mission to Mir

    Simitar Video 1995

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Buy at Amazon.com(US)

  • Apollo 13: Flight for Survival(VIDEO)

    Mission to Mir

    Shane Johnson 1990/12/12 JPY1816

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Buy at Amazon.com(US)

  • Disaster to Discovery: The Challenger Explosion(VIDEO)

    Mission to Mir

    Mpi Home Video

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Buy at Amazon.com(US)

  • Apollo 13:Houston We've Got a Problem(VIDEO)

    Mission to Mir

    Uav Corp

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Buy at Amazon.com(US)

  • 20th Century with Mike Wallace - Crisis in Space: The Real Story of Apollo 13 (1999)(VIDEO)

    Mission to Mir

    A & E Entertainment

    Amazon.co.jpで買う(JP) Buy at Amazon.com(US)
