Jan,1968 Flight hardware began arriving at KSC
Apl,14,1968 Mated CSM,LM,SLA was moved to VAB
May,21,1968 Moved to LC39 PAD A from VAB It takes about 6 hour from VAB to LC39. Mobile Launcher No.1 was used for APOLLO11.
T-93:00:00 Precount period start
T-28:00:00 Official countdown start Jul.14.1969 17:30:00
T-27:30:00 Install launch vehicle flight batteries (to T-23:30:00)
LM Stowage and cabin closeout (to T-15:00:00)
T-21:00:00 Top off LM super critical helium (to T-19:00:00)
T-16:00:00 Launch vehicle range safety checks (to T-15:00:00)
T-11:30:00 Install launch vehicle destruct devices
Command/Service module pre-ingress operations
(to T-10:45:00)
T-10:00:00 Start mobile service structure move to park site
T-09:00:00 Start six hour built-in-hold 11 hour 32 minutes hold was actually carried out.
T-09 hours counting Clear blast area for propellant loading
T-08:30:00 Astronaut backup crew to spacecraft for prelaunch checks
T-08:15:00 Start loading propellant thee stages (to T-03:38:00)
T-05:17:00 Flight crew alerted
T-05:02:00 Flight crew medical examination
T-04:32:00 Flight crew breakfast
T-03:57:00 Flight crew don space suit
T-03:07:00 Flight crew depart Manned Spacecraft Operations Building for LC39
T-03:00:00 Built-in countdown hold 30 minutes hold was carried out.
T-02:55:00 Flight crew arrive at LC39
T-02:40:00 Start flight crew ingress
T-01:55:00 Mission Control Center-Houston/Spacecraft command checks
T-01:50:00 Abort advisory system checks
T-01:46:00 Space vehicle Emergency Detection System (EDS) test
T-00:43:00 Retrack Apollo access arm to standby position (12 degrees)
T-00:42:00 Arm launch escape system
T-00:40:00 Final launch vehicle range safety checks (to T-00:35:00)
T-00:30:00 Launch vehicle power transfer test
LM switch over to internal power
T-00:20:00 Shutdown LM operational instrumentation (to T-00:10:00)
T-00:15:00 Spacecraft to internal power
T-00:06:00 Space vehicle final status checks
T-00:05:30 Arm destruct system
T-00:05:00 Apollo access arm fully retracted
T-00:03:10 Initiate firing command (automatic sequencer)
T-00:00:50 Launch vehicle transfer to internal power
T-00:00:8.9 Ignition sequence start
T-00:00:02 All engines running
00:00:00.0 182.7ft 0ft/sec
Range Zero Timer start.
00:00:00.6 182.7ft 0ft/sec
Lift Off Signal (TB-1) Jul.16.1969 09:32:00.6 EDT(Eastern Daylight Time)
00:00:12.4 Pitch and Roll start
00:00:31.1 Roll Complete
00:02:15.2 145600ft
S-IC Center Engine Cutoff (CECO)(TB-2)
00:02:40.0 Begin Tilt Arrest
00:02:41.6 217655ft
S-IC Outbord Engine Cutoff (OECO)(TB-3)
00:02:42.3 219984ft
S-IC/S-II Separation Vehicle reached at 50.6nm downrange.
00:02:43.0 221881ft
S-II Ignition (Engine start command)
00:03:12.3 301266ft
S-II Second Plane Separation S-II Aft. Interstage jettison.
00:03:17.9 315001ft
Launch Escape Tower Jettison
00:07:40.6 588152ft
S-II Center Engine Cutoff
00:09:00 S-IC falls into Atlantic Ocean At about 340nm downrange (30.3 degrees North latitude 73.5 degrees West longitude)
00:09:08.2 609759ft
S-II Outbord Engine Cutoff (TB-4)
00:09:08.2 609982ft
S-II/S-IVB Separation At about 885nm downrange.
00:09:09.2 610014ft
S-IVB Ignition (Engine start command) 1st burn.
00:11:39.3 617957ft
S-IVB Cutoff (TB-5)
00:11:49.3 617735ft
Earth Parking Orbit Insertion At about 4818nm downrange.
Stay at EPO for one and harf revolution (two and harf hour). Checking spacecraft systems and prepare for TLI.
00:20:00 S-II plunges into Atlantic Ocean At about 2300nm downrange (31 degrees North latitude 33.6 degrees West longitude)
02:34:38.2 Begin S-IVB Restert Preparations (TB-6) TLI start
"Go for TLI" message came from Carnarvon Manned Space Flight Network station.
Jul.16.1969 12:06:38.2 EDT
02:44:16.2 650558ft
Second S-IVB Ignition
02:50:03.0 1058809ft
Second S-IVB Cutoff (TB-7)
02:50:13.0 1103215ft
Translunar Injection (TLI) This maneuver was targeted for about 6fps overspeed. This was conpensated by Spacecraft Evasive Maneuver later.
03:17:-- CSM/S-IVB Separation, SLA Panel Jettison Start TD&E(Transposition,Docking and Ejection) operation. CSM leaves from SLA/S-IVB about 1fps, then 180 degree pitch maneuver. And 4 panels of SLA opend, LM comes to the sight.
03:29:-- CSM/LM Docking Complete CSM docks LM with S-IVB.
04:17:13 Spacecraft Ejection from S-IVB
04:40:01 Spacecraft Evasive Maneuver By this, CSM's speed down about 19.7fps. And S-IVB leads to the moon and crashes in. But, S-IVB of APOLLO11 didn't reach the moon, and it was thrown in solar orbit.
Not available S-IVB Slingshot Maneuver Residual propellants dumped through the J2 engine. Not perofrmed at APOLLO11 mission.
Not Performed Midcourse Correction-1 (MCC-1) (TLI+9)
26:44:58 Midcourse Correction-2 (MCC-2) (TLI+24)
Not Performed Midcourse Correction-3 (MCC-3) (LOI-22)
Not Performed Midcourse Correction-4 (MCC-4) (LOI-5)
75:49:49.6 80nm above the Moon Luner Orbit Insertion 1 Ignition (LOI-1) At the behind of the moon, 80nm above, at pericynthion, this burn made retrograde velocity change of about 2924fps. CSM/LM was inserted at elliptical orbit of apolune 170nm, periune 60nm.
Jul.19.1969 13:21:49.6 EDT
80:11:36 80nm above the Moon Luner Orbit Insertion 2 Ignition (LOI-2) After two revolution, at pericynthion, this burn made retrograde about 157.8fps. CSM/LM was inserted at circular orbit of apolune 65nm, periune 54nm. After this, LM pilot enter LM and make a brief checkout then return to CM.
100:13:38 LM Undocking from CSM This was done after 13 revolution. At that time, CSM orbit become 60nm circular. LM undocked from CSM about 0.5fps. LM went 40 feet from CSM and rotate, then CSM pilot checked development conditions of landing gear.
100:39:50 CSM Separation Maneuver Radially downward 2.5fps burn makes LM leave after CSM.
101:36:14 LM Descent Orbit Insertion (DOI) After harf revolution of undocking, at far side of the moon, after 2.2nm from CSM, LM does 74.2fps retrograde fire. Then LM entered Descent transfer orbit which pericynthion was 50,000feet.
102:20:53 LM Landing rader ON
102:32:55 50,000 feet LM Altitude of 50,000 feet
102:33:04 LM Powerd Descent Insertion (PDI) At abouut 260nm prior to touchdown, this PDI was performed. At start of PDI, LM windows faced to the moon and DPS nozzle headed to flight direction.
102:36:57 34ft/sec LM Face-up yaw maneuver in process LM yawed and windows up when reached 45,000feet. Landing radar was locked-on at about 39,000feet. It feed altitude data to guidance computer.
102:37:59 36ft/sec LM Face-up maneuver complete
102:38:22 35ft/sec LM 1202 alarm(computer determined)
102:38:45 35ft/sec LM Enable radar updates Radar altitude updates of the onboard computer were enabled. The altitude difference between that calculated by the onboard computer and that determined by the landing radar was approximately 2800 feet.
102:39:02 33ft/sec LM 1202 alarm(computer determined)
102:39:31 31ft/sec LM Throttle recovery The reduction in throttle was occurred at 386 seconds after ignition.
102:41:32 7129feet 15ft/sec LM Enter program P64 At 7129 feet, arrival at high gate (end of braking phase) and the automatic switch to final approach phase program P64.
102:41:53 5000feet 12ft/sec LM Attitude-hold At about 5000feet, the Commander switched his control mode from automatic to attitude-hold to check manual control in anticiaption of the final descent.
102:42:18 2500ft 8ft/sec LM 1201 alarm(computer determined)
102:42:43 4ft/sec LM 1202 alarm(computer determined)
102:42:58 4ft/sec LM 1202 alarm(computer determined)
102:43:22 2ft/sec LM Enter program P66 Enter manual landing phase. Landing phase starts at 500feet was called "low gate". Final vertical descent starts at about 150feet when horizontal movement becomes to zero. At that time, vertical speed was about 3fps.
102:45:43 0feet 0ft/sec Lunar Landing LM "Eagle" was landed at "Mare Tranquillitatis" 0:42:50 north latitude, 23:42:28 of east longitude. This is the place called 'SITE-2' which one of three landing candidate points left to the end.
Jul.20.1969 16:17:43 EDT
Not Performed CSM Plane Change Maneuver CSM intended to do 0.18 degree orbit change at 2.25 revolution after LM touch down.
109:07:35 Crew Egress for Lunar Surface Operations
109:24:15 Armstrong On Lunar Surface When he got off to the surface of the moon, samples for the emergency are collected first, and it is stored in the pocket of the spacesuit. Then he opened and installed a S band antenna on the moon like an umbrella.
Jul.20.1969 22:56:15 EDT
109:43:15 Aldrin On Lunar Surface After setting TV camera and the Stars and Stripes, they begun picking of samples. Two sample return container (SRC) was filled with 130pounds of moon rocks and core tubes. Then they set Solar Wind Composition(SWC), Passive Seismic Experiment(PSE), Laser Ranging Retro Reflector(LRRR).
111:29:39 Aldrin Inside LM
111:39:12 Armstrong Inside LM:Hatch Closed
124:22:00 LM Liftoff Ascent stage burn time was 7min 14sec. 6,055fps posigrade velocity change. LM lifted vertically at altitude 250feet, speed 50fps, then started 'pictch over' to enter 9nm x 45nm lunar orbit. LM entered the orbit at 166nm west downrange.
125:19:35 Coelliptic (Concentric) Sequence Initiate Maneuver (CSI) By this maneuver and after CDH, LM entered 44.2nm x 45.5nm orbit, 15nm below CSM.
Not Performed LM Plane Change Maneuver This is maneuver for adjust a position with CSM. Not performed at APOLLO11 mission.
126:17:46 Constant Differential Height Maneuver (CDH)
127:03:31 Terminal Phase Initiate Maneuver (TPI) LM entered 43.2nm x 61.2nm orbir. The orbit of CSM and LM crosses after about one half revolution.
127:45:54 Terminal Phase Finalize Maneuver (TPF) Two orbit adjustment was planed before docking. And at last, this braking maneuver was performed.
128:03:-- CSM/LM Docking
130:09:55 LM Jettison
130:30:00 CSM Separation Maneuver To avoid a collision with LM, about 1fps retrograde maneuver was done.
135:23:42 TransEarth Injection (TEI) At the far side of the moon, SPS engine burned 2min 29sec to leave from moon orbit. This made 3,293fps posigrade velocity change.
Jul.22.1969 00:55:42 EDT
150:29:55 Midcourse Correction-5 (MCC-5) at TEI+15 hour
Not Performed Midcourse Correction-6 (MCC-6) at EI-15 hour
Not Performed Midcourse Correction-7 (MCC-7) at EI-3 hour
194:49:19 CM/SM Separation Jul.24.1969 12:21:19 EDT
195:03:06 400,000ft
Entry Interface (EI) Start re-entry Earth atmosphere
From about 400,000ft, spacecraft began a slowdown by the influence of atmosphere at 171.4 degree east longitude, 3.5 degree south latitude. It takes the acceleration of the maximum 6.35G during the slowdown.
195:18:35 Splash Down A parachute begins to open from about 23,000 feet altitude, then splash down in about 1285nm east of the EI start point, that's speed was about 31fps . The position was 172.4 degree west longitude, 10.6 degree north latitude, the southwest of Hawaii.
Jul.24.1969 12:50:35 EDT